Year 7 - 8 Whānau

Welcome to Year 7 to 8 Whānau! We are the senior team at Ōrākei School.

Our Teachers

Mathew Tamariki
Team Lead
Room - K2
Anthony Hall
Room - K1
Kaupapa | Lines of Inquiry
My Story, Your Story, Our Story
Significant historical events influence our personal stories and identity. Exploring my personal story, significant people in my family and places we have been. Inquiring into settlement histories of different communities and their participation & contribution to NZ.
Pāngarau | Maths
Addition and subtraction with whole numbers. Addition and subtraction with decimals and fractions.
Multi level Statistics: Gathering and presenting information using tally charts and a range of graphs to present information e.g. interpreting NZ immigration statistics, from the past and current.
Ngā Toi | The Arts
Visual Arts
Drawing & sketching skills. Creating images that represent significant information about yourself and your whānau using symbols and patterns.
Te Reo Māori
Resilience Programme
Developing our self confidence.
Pānui Reading
Reading stories and factual texts about immigrants to NZ. Identifying the reasons why they made the journey, the challenges and the contributions they made. Learning to locate ideas and information by skimming text quickly to gain meaning and scanning text to find specific information.
Tuhituhi | Writing
Recount a personal or family experience. Writing newspaper articles by recounting a factual event, using short paragraphs and headlines.
Events & Programmes
Hauora | Health & PE
Team Games
Large ball skills eg basket ball.
Review our school value of Respect. Demonstrate tikanga in the classroom and playground.