Year 1 - 4 Whānau

Susan Widger
Teacher - Whānau Leader - Yr 0/1
Room - O4
Kate Cochrane
Teacher - Yr 3/4
Room - O1
Erica Sparre
Teacher - Yr 2/3
Room - O3
Olivia King
Teacher - Yr 2/3
Room - O2

Ōrākei Year 1-4 Hub - Term Overview 2025


Kaupapa | Lines of Inquiry
My Story, Your Story, Our Story
Culture and Identity, Origins & Connection: People in our area have come from a variety of places and some retain connections to those places. Economic Activity, Living & Working: The ways different groups of people have lived and worked have changed over time.
Pāngarau | Maths
Number Knowledge and Strategy
Addition and Subtraction, Review of forward and backward counting sequences of whole numbers to 100.
Ngā Toi | The Arts
Arts-Visual Arts & Singing
Explore a variety of materials and tools and discover elements and selected principles.
Te Reo Māori
O Hub Waiata- Every Monday afternoon
Greetings, Introductions of Self, Kura, Whānau; School Values: Whakaute, Kairangi, Tōku Whakapono, Auahatanga, Atawhai, Pakihi Hinengaro
Pānui Reading
Structured Literacy: Review of stages 1-4, & 4+, 5, 6. Small group reading, independent reading, shared reading.
Tuhituhi | Writing
Recount Writing Poetry
Events & Programmes
Garden/P.E.CRT Program & Other Events
CRT Rooms O2 & O3: 4th Feb, 19th Feb, 5th March, 1st April CRT Rooms O1 & O4: 12th Feb, 26th Feb, 19th March, 2nd April Last Day of Term: Friday 11th April
Hauora | Health & PE
Relationships with Other People
Demonstrate respect through sharing and co-operation in groups. Describe how individuals and groups share characteristics and are also unique.
School Values
Respect, Excellence, Self-Belief, Creativity, Kindness, Inquiring Minds