Year 5 - 6 Whānau

Molly Davies
Room - A4
Classroom Teacher
Room - K6

Ōrākei Y 5 &  Y 6 Hub - Term Overview 2025

Kaupapa | Lines of Inquiry
My Story, Your Story, Our Story
Stories from the past help us make connections to people and places in our community. Finding out stories from my family and places they have settled. Exploring the arrival of Māori to Aotearoa NZ, their journey and living off the land. Finding out about the experiences and journeys of immigrants coming to NZ - both past and current.
Pāngarau | Maths
Exploring rich tasks and focussing on the explicit number skills required to solve them.
Reading and interpreting graphs and tables.
Ngā Toi | The Arts
The Arts
Sketching techniques. Interpreting and using the designs and colours included in our school murals.
Te Reo Māori
Reviewing names of buildings within a traditional kāinga (villages) or pā eg Pātaka (storehouses), kāuta (cooking houses) wharenui (meeting houses).
Pānui Reading
Reading about the experiences of immigrants who have come to New Zealand, both historically and in modern times. Reading about traditional Māori settlements, how they defended themselves and how they lived off the land.
Tuhituhi | Writing
Writing recounts about family stories, memories or experiences. Writing information reports on how Māori would have adapted in this new land eg formation of iwi and hapū structures protected through the development of fortified kāinga.
The Code spelling programme
The Y rule eg keep the y or change the y when adding a suffix. Knowing contractions are two words joined together and placing an apostrophe where a letter or letters have been left out.
Trip to the Domain Museum.
Hauora | Health & PE
Rounders, softball and T ball.
Identify & implement safe practices when using devices using the guidelines from our cyber safety user agreement.
Resilience Programme
School Value Respect
Discussing the many ways respect is demonstrated within our families, school, cultural & community groups.