Year 5 - 6 Whānau

Angelica Koltonowska
Room - A4
Ashleigh Blackwell
Room - K4
Stuart Selby
Room - K6

Ōrākei Y 5 &  Y 6 Hub - Term Overview 2024

Inquiry Theme: Living World - Protecting our Feathered Friends

Kaupapa | Lines of Inquiry
Living World & Social Science
Inquiring into the diversity of birds. Being able to Identify and understand the difference between introduced and native species. Exploring adaptations that help birds survive in different habitats. Investigating organisations for conservation and protection locally and globally. Considering the human impact on endangered species.
Pāngarau | Maths
Number knowledge (Fractions)
Learning about fractions of a number by addition and multiplication. Solving problems with fractions, proportions, and ratios.
Identifying and using different graphs for purpose. Investigate questions by using statistical inquiry independently. Gather and display simple and whole number data.
Ngā Toi | The Arts
Water colour art - observing birds and their habitats
Te Reo Māori
Atua Māori
Learning how birds had a vital place in traditional Māori life, providing food, and feathers for adornment and cloaks. Learning our new school Karakia, school song and haka
Pānui Reading
Reading and interpreting tables and diagrams. Integrating new sources of non-fiction information with prior knowledge. Reading NZ narratives and Maori traditional stories.
Tuhituhi | Writing
Persuasive writing and presenting speeches about Kotahitanga - Unity. Review our editing skills eg edit to correct most spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Edit our work to check the meaning is clear and that the writing has impact.
The Code spelling programme
Short vowel sounds, when to use ‘c’ or ‘k’, knowing there are three sounds for the suffix - 'ed' and practise identifying syllables.
Visiting a bird conservation area, observing birds in their natural habitat and how it is protected. Y5&6 Bike Safety programme. Y3-6 Gymnastics competition. School Cross Country. Book Week
Hauora | Health & PE
Cross country & Games for understanding - (catching, passing and aiming at target)
Mana Potential. How can I show aroha for myself and others right now?
Resilience Programme
Reviewing our school values eg respect and kindness. Identify ways to show respect and kindness to oneself, others and the environment.