School Life

General Information

Ōrākei School is a co-educational state integrated full primary school catering for students from year 0-8. Our current roll of 400 students provides a unique inner-city environment where we can provide each and every child enrolled with us the individual attention and support as required. Our school buildings and grounds have undergone recent major developments  including new classrooms and upgrades (Innovative Learning Environments) and play-space landscaping.

We are a registered signatory for International Students and continue to foster our long standing relationships both within our local community and internationally.

As well as our mainstream classes, we also offer Rumaki Reo education.

Emergency Action Plan

In an emergency such as a school lock down or civil defence situation, the school will attempt to communicate to parents through a variety of ways:

  • Our Student Management System (SMS) - HERO App
  • Parent Bulk Emails - using HERO App
  • Text Messaging - using HERO App
  • Our Website -

Please be aware that if our school activates its lockdown procedures, no parents will be allowed into the school buildings and telephones will not be answered until the all clear is given.

For more information please contact our main office.


Every second Friday, one of our classes runs a community assembly. This is an open assembly to which everyone is invited. the host class will share some of their learning and perform items Values awards and presentations across the school are made at this assembly. 

Road Patrol - Safety and Crossing

Ōrākei School is bordered by busy suburban roads. Children are crossed in a supervised way by the teachers and senior students on crossing duty at the following times:

Grace Street: 8.30 – 8.50am and 3.00 – 3.15pm              

Coates Ave 3.00 – 3.15 pm ONLY

Caught in the Act of Kindness

If you see a child or become aware of a child who is making a positive difference in our school please let the office know so that we can reward the child using our token system. This usually involves Mr Naidu giving them a gold token.

Tuning In

On Monday morning our school meets together to ‘tune in’ to our learning for the week. We also present children with any awards they may have won over the weekend. Part of this tuning in involves us reciting our Morning Prayer / Karakia. The prayer below is led by our senior students and repeated by the rest of the school. Parents are welcome and encouraged to join our Tuning In every morning.

E te Atua – Oh Lord, Manaakitiamai matou – bless us all, Me o matou mahi mo tenei ra – within our work for today, Arahinamai matou katoa – guide us all

Ko Ihu Karaiti – Jesus Christ, Te Kaiwhakaora – redeemer of life, Amine – Amen


At Ōrākei School we try our very best to create clear lines of communication so that you and our wider community are kept informed. To do this, we use a number of tools.

1) Website: On our website you will be able to see our staff, our learning programs, read the newsletters, view our strategic goals plus much more.

2) If you have a smart phone, please download the free Hero app.  Community updates and notices and reminders will be sent through this app.

Please note that we will be increasingly moving towards using the above electronic options of communication in favour of paper notices and newsletters.

With this is mind, please make sure we have your correct email address.

School Hours

8:00: AM  


8:30: AM   Classroom doors open! - Teachers are present
8:30: AM 8:50: AM Road Patrol - Grace Street - Teacher on duty
8:50: AM 9:00: AM Assemble in Houses for Tuning In and Karakia
9:00: AM  


9:00: AM 11:00 AM


11:00 AM 11:20 AM Interval Playtime
11:20: AM 11:30: AM Eat and Clear
11:00: AM 1:00 PM LEARNING BLOCK 2
1:00 PM 1:45: PM Lunch Playtime
1:45: PM 2:00: PM Eat and clear
2:00: PM 3:00: PM


  3:00: PM


3:00: PM 3:15: PM Road Patrol - Grace Street - Teacher on duty
3:00: PM 3:15: PM Road Patrol - Coates Ave - Teacher on duty
  3:30: PM


School Song

Ōrākei e

E karanga e te iwi e                                    
Our tribe is calling to the people
Kua eke mai nei
Kua eke mai nei ki runga te marae e     
who have just set foot on this marae

Mauria mai ra
Mauria mai ra e nga mate o te motu e  
Bring with you the memories of all our dead
Me nga tini roimata
Me nga tini roimata e maringi whanui e    
and so many tears spilling forth nation-wide.

Titiro e nga iwi
Titiro e nga iwi e nga mahi o te motu         
 Look at our people working across the land
E hora atu nei e                                               
spread out far and wide

Rū ana te whenua
Rū ana te whenua, whatiwhati te moana    
Shaking is the ground, quivering is the sea. 

Aue te aroha                                                    
  Oh, the love and the pain within me. 
Aue te aroha te mamae i ahau e.

Rū ana te whenua whatiwhati. Hei!             
  The ground shakes and quivers, yeah!